Thursday, February 12, 2009

the day after

it's the day after my surgery and i'm at home with a gimp hand. yesterday went as well as it could have gone. i can't do much with my right hand yet - it's bandaged up and needs to be elevated above my heart for 72 hours after surgery. i'm only able to type this with my left hand so it's taking a good amount of time. :) also, i can't get my hand wet for one full week... YIKES!

troy was such a trooper yesterday and has already joked about how needy i'll be now that i'm down a hand. it's crazy how different things are without the use of two able hands. something to be thankful for... ;)
my parents came over to make dinner last night. we had salad and pizza and it was nice for them to come over and help out. i LOVE mom's homemade pizza so it was great to have a yummy meal as my first food for the day!

here's the hand all bandaged up; this will be on for one full week:


Krissy said...

glad to hear it all went well!!

The Bisek's said...

Nerd, glad all went well, I didn't realize you needed surgery. Scared me at first when I saw the first posting! :)

Hope to see you soon!!

SMurray said...

Glad you made it through. Hang in there!